Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!
Slinky tool kits, for making .180, .240, .300 , .330 slinkies. 3/16" push rod diameter, 1 1/4" round Handle for easy use, brass fill tube with .020 wall thickness, push rod extends 1 1/8" below the brass fill tube. This extra length of empty cord helps to push your next shot load in your cord with ease. The has the brass tube and push rod.
This Deluxe tool is made with pride in Oregon U.S.A.
These Slinky kits have all the Deluxe kit components to make the given sizes of slinkys. The NEW Deluxe tool will have the size tube to make the given shot sizes in the kits. The kits will have Tool Kit, cord, and 1# total shot to match all the shot sizes in the kit you select. ( example .180, .240 Kit 8 oz. of each size etc. )
These tools are made in Oregon U.S.A.
Perfectly round slinky shot with tight woven hollow nylon cord. round slinky shot combo Made in U.S.A.
Tight woven hollow nylon cord, use with slinky shot.
This cord is made with Pride in U.S.A.
Perfectly round shot, smooth ( not uneven shoot gun shot ) used with slinky cord.
This shot is made with Pride in U.S.A.