Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!

Featured Products

Hoochie Rotator Head Insert

  This head insert will rotate, twist, and flare out your Hoochie skirt for more attraction. Insert the pointed end into the Hoochie head, leaving the wings in the skirt to spin. This will also make your skirt open up. As you trol it will twist, rotate, and pulsate the Hoochie skirt. Use on Mini Thin Ultra 1 1/2", 1 1/2"' 2" and 2 1/2" Hoochies. To make the Rotator spin more you can put it in the hoochie so it is back closer to the hoochie skirt. Put a bead between the Rotator and the front of your snelled hooks, to give it a smooth surface to Rotate on.    




$4.77 - $7.65
French .032'' Hammered Silver Plate Blade

 These finely detailed french blades feature a raised, hammered finished, dome and are stamped from heavy.032 solid brass sheet. Polished and plated finishes are completely free from rough or sharp edges. The hammered design of these blades will give a dimpled reflection, rather than the large flash of a smooth surfaced blade.

$7.12 - $76.12
TwisTech Wire Forming tools

 The Twist-Tec Wire Forming Tool is a very functional tool that all your components are being assembled, and formed out in the open. With some tools your limited to the width of the inside of the tool. That makes it hard to build the longer Musky and Salmon spinners. Included with the tool are straight wires of different diameters to get you started. MADE WITH PRIDE in Oregon, U.S.A.

$30.75 - $239.25
French .032'' Bright Silver #3 Matt Silver Plate Blades

Heavy .032 french blade, match with our balanced torpedo bodies.

$5.04 - $66.63
Lead Bullet Weight Bodies


$1.10 - $36.82
4L - 9/32oz. Torpedo Body

 Good body balance, match to with #4 .032 french blades.

$15.69 - $91.94



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