Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!

> Kokanee or Walleye Lure Building Components > Kokanee Bead & Wedding Ring Selection

 These 6mm Wedding Rings have a 24K Genuine Gold or Silver frame with Czech Rhinestone Crystal beads, for maximum color reflection .Be sure of the guality before you purchase Wedding Ring that are a nickel frame with plastic beads. You need as much reflection as possible to make your lure more productive.

Wedding Ring Spinner Kits ( NEW )


$2.97 - $3.97
Kokanee UV Acrylic, Glow, Metallic Stack Beads

These Acrylic Stack beads are popular with fisherman building Wedding Ring or Bell spinners for Kokanee and Coho Salmon.

$2.55 - $7.96
Intense Glow-n-Dark Beads ( NEW )


$3.13 - $21.43
UV Fluorescent Acrylic Round Beads

 These beads have a satin smooth ground finish which glows brilliantly in daylight. They are perfect for bearings and decorative purposes where a really bright color is desired. The red is transparent and the chartreuse opaque. A popular use is on Kokanee lures and  larger salmon spinners.

$0.47 - $22.52
UV Acrylic Round Beads

  These are a high quality bead with no bubbles in them, which helps then glow brilliantly in daylight. They are perfect for bearings and decorative purposes where a really bright color is desired. A popular use is on Kokanee lures and  larger salmon spinners.



$0.69 - $9.25
Hollow Metal Beads


$0.83 - $6.56
Solid Beads

Used for a bearing under your clevis.

$3.59 - $19.54
Kokanee Natural Glow-N-Dark Beads

Good in low light conditions, gives off a glow effect.

$1.40 - $11.88
UV Acrylic UV Florescent Tear Drop Beads

Good for a bearing and attraction.

$0.46 - $8.85
T Beads


Plastic Faucet Beads ( SALE )
$1.06 - $6.45




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