Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!

In - Line Silver, Spinner Kit

In - Line Silver Kits
In - Line Bodies
2-3-4-5 In - Line Blades
In - Line Blade Finishes
Smooth Silver
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$2.98 - $6.12


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Blade Size, Kit Weight:
 #2 - 5/32 oz.0 LBS Add $2.98
 #2 - 3/16 oz.0 LBS Add $3.15
 #3 - 7/32 oz.0 LBS Add $3.35
 #3 - 1/4 oz.0 LBS Add $3.71
 #4 - 5/16 oz.0 LBS Add $3.95
 #4 - 11/32 oz.0 LBS Add $4.41
 #5 - 3/8 oz.0 LBS Add $5.06
 #5 - 1/2 oz.0 LBS Add $6.12



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