Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!

#3 Hammered Dakota, Gold, Silver Plate ( 1/2 PRICE SALE )

Silver Plate Dakota
Gold Plate Mag Willow
2 - 3 Color Dakota
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$3.23 - $6.30
Length x Width ( DON'T SELECT ):


Productive blade for both Kokanee, Silver Salmon, or Coho Salmon

Pack Size :
 5 - Pack Gold Plate ( Reg. $6.30 )0 LBS Add $4.73
 10 - Pack Gold Plate, Sale ( Reg. $12.60 )0 LBS Add $6.30
 5 - Pack Silver ( Reg. $4.31 )0 LBS Add $3.23
 10 - Pack Silver, Sale ( Reg. $8.64 )0 LBS Add $4.32



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