Don Greens Flys Inc - Fishing, Spinner, Building Components, Kokanee spinner, and more!

Deluxe Slinky Tools, Made in Oregon U.S.A.

Slinky Shot
Extended Rod for easy loading
Deluxe Tool
.180, .240, .300, .330 Cord
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$16.02 - $23.22

Slinky tool kits, for making .180, .240, .300, .330 slinkies. 3/16" heavy push rod diameter( won't bend ), 1 1/4" round Handle for easy use, brass fill tube with .020 wall thickness, push rod extends 1 1/8" below the brass fill tube. This extra length of empty cord helps to push your next shot load in your cord with ease.

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Slinky tool kits, for making .180, .240, .300, .330 slinkies. 3/16" heavy push rod diameter( won't bend ), 1 1/4" round Handle for easy use, brass fill tube with .020 wall thickness, push rod extends 1 1/8" below the brass fill tube. This extra length of empty cord helps to push your next shot load in your cord with ease.

Deluxe Tool Kits Complete W/ Loading Rod & Brass Tube:
 .180 Tool0 LBS Add $9.81
 .240 Tool0 LBS Add $10.17
 .300 /.330 Tool0 LBS Add $10.60
 .240, .300 /.330 Kit0 LBS Add $15.26
Deluxe Tool Parts:
 Loading Rod w/ Ball Handle0 LBS Add $7.96
 .180 Brass Tube0 LBS Add $6.21
 .240 Brass Tube 0 LBS Add $6.73
 .300 / .330 Brass Tube 0 LBS Add $7.35



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